Uniquity: No Two Women, Cancer or Journey is the Same


What tends to happen is, as noted in our Journey to Joy post, each woman will move through her cycle of emotions  in a way that is completely unique to her – based on her particular life circumstances, the degree of support she has, her personality/emotional style, the type of cancer she has, the type of treatment she needs.

Sometimes we get stuck in one emotion for interminable months – even years. Sometimes we pass through the different emotions quickly and with a degree of relieved ease. Sometimes, we shift into reverse, backing into a stage again if we find we’re not ready for the new emotions, feeling and responses we find ourselves experiencing.

And all of this is normal. It is ok. There is no right way, or wrong way. What must be emphasised is: we must be gentle with ourselves as we try and observe ourselves, almost standing away at an objective distance, as we move within this set of stages, which again – could helpfully be viewed as a journey. So too we must be gentle with those around us who adore and cherish us – who are faced with their own journey and how they’re going to move through their own ones.

What we’re seeing in South Africa is that the vast majority of people being treated for breast cancer do not have access to psycho-social support, nevermind knowing they have a constitutional right to receive support as South African citizens. An effective, equitable breast health policy will ensure that these rights are actively recognised.

We leave you with this:

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”

— Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


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